What is N.A.E.T.®,
Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, is a natural, drugless, painless, non-invasive, method that can be used safely from a one day old infant to any age. N.A.E.T.® can be used on a healthy person to treat hidden sensitivities that could cause disease in the future or on patients who are currently suffering, to permanently eliminate sensitivities.
Sensitivities & Illness
We now know that many disorders (e.g. headaches, backaches, joint pain, addiction, PMS, indigestion, cough, body aches, etc.) are caused by undiagnosed sensitivities. When left untreated sensitivities can become serious, life-threatening illnesses.
Dr Nambudripad’s discovery, N.A.E.T. ®, is an innovative and completely natural method for regaining better health and effectively relieving sensitivities and the diseases arising from those allergens.
I strongly recommend picking up a copy of “Say Good-Bye To Illness”, written by Dr Devi Nambudripad, the developer of the N.A.E.T. ® therapy technique, to learn more about N.A.E.T. ® and sensitivity symptoms.
Sensitivity Symptoms
Is this your child?
Psychological symptoms – overactivity, hyperactivity, A.D.D. irritability, hostility, short attention span, Jekyll / Hyde mood swings, inability to concentrate or learn, fatigue or ‘laziness’, facial clues
Physical Symptoms – wrinkles, dark circles and/or puffiness under eyes, flushing, red eyes, mouth breathing, crease from rubbing nose upward, red, rouge-like cheek patches, chronic ear infections, nasal congestions, nosebleeds, headaches, pale face, tonsillitis, repeated ‘strep’ throat, chronic ‘colds’ that never clear up, adolescent acne, dermatitis, asthma, eczema, bowel problems – constipation, diarrhea, ‘irritable bowels’, ‘growing pains’, overly thin or overweight.
Is this you?
Psychological Symptoms – irritability, memory loss, ‘spaced out’ feeling, mental confusion, ‘brain fog’, inability to concentrate, anxiety, panic attacks,
Physical symptoms – extreme fatigue, headaches, nasal congestion (sinusitis), recurrent ‘strep’ throat, asthma, chronic indigestion, cold all the time especially in the extremities, P.M.S., pelvic pain, recurrent vaginal yeast infections, prostatitis, irritable bowel, chemical taste in mouth, thyroid malfunction, job burnout.
We now know that many disorders (e.g. headaches, backaches, joint pain, addiction, PMS, indigestion, cough, body aches, etc.) are caused by undiagnosed sensitivities. When left untreated sensitivities can become serious life-threatening illnesses.
Dr Nambudripad’s discovery, NAET®, is an innovative and completely natural method for regaining better health and effectively relieving allergies and the diseases arising from those allergens.
I strongly recommend picking up a copy of “Say Good-Bye To illness”, written by Dr Devi Nambudripad, the developer of the N.A.E.T.® therapy technique, to learn more about N.A.E.T.® and sensitivity symptoms.
Many times sensitivities produce symptoms that mimic other conditions:
- respiratory problems like bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma
- circulatory problems like chest muscle pains, poor circulation, rapid heartbeats, heart irregularities
- gastro-intestinal problems like indigestion, acute abdominal pains, acute appendicitis, bloating, constipation,
diarrhea and ulcers - genito-urinary problems like kidney and bladder infections, prostate troubles, pre-menstrual syndromes and post-menstrual disorders,
impotency , infertility - musculoskeletal problems like unexplained pains anywhere in the body, various types of headaches, backaches,
- arthritis, restless leg syndrome
- brain symptoms like brain fog, depression, anger, attention-deficit disorders, hyperactivity, learning disorders
- skin problems like eczema, boils, slow healing wounds
- environmental reactions like multiple chemical sensitivity, sensitivities to pollens, perfumes, animal danders, carpets, building materials, etc